My favorite scents and colors

My favorite scents and colors

Friday, August 17, 2012

Soufflé of zucchini and peperoni

The soufflé of zucchini and peperoni is a tasty and easy recipe. Try these vegetables in a different way! And never open the oven during baking!


Zucchini, 500 grams
Green peppers, 500 gr.
Butter, 70 grams
Egg yolks, 3
Egg whites, 4
Salt, to taste
Parmesan cheese, 5-6 tablespoons


Wash and cut up the vegetables, let them boil in salted water. Drain and let dry for a few hours, then purée.

Melt butter and pour into a bowl. Then pour the smoothie of vegetables, add the Parmesan cheese, egg yolks and egg whites until stiff smoothies.

Pour the mixture into a buttered mold and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

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